Friday 20 March 2015

Ayashi No Ceres

Aya and Aki used to be your everyday, normal twins, until the day of their 16th birthday. When they turn 16, a family secret is revealed to them that they come from a line that carries the blood on tennyo (heavenly maidens), and that the females that have this tennyo blood running strong in them must be killed when they turn 16 because the family fears the tennyo's wrath. Aya just happens to be the strongest yet to inherit the blood, and manages to escape her grandfather's murderous plot by being possessed by the tennyo, Ceres. Now Aya tries to continue on with her life as she attempts to avoid being killed by her family, while at the same time tries to find a way to be a normal girl. However, it turns out Aki, her twin brother, also has inherited something in his blood, and it only makes matters worse.


Chapter 1 - 83

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